Friday, November 7, 2008

Fashion Business Tips: Find The Way To Present Your Fashion
Design Items To The Public
By Catty

A lot of student who graduated from fashion design school
somehow has expectation of having their own fashion design
business. Some of them may want to be a designer and just want
to have own little studio then taking the job from outside, mean
while some other want to join reputable fashion design schools
or institutes or even work for the company which can pay highest
income. However, the fashion business today has more variety of
options. As the fashion business actually can be started from
very small scale like family business where one or two family
member could set up by using only little budget, to the very
large fashion items manufacturers.

There are so many business owners who are now are very
successful and are the owner of very famous fashion design
companies, and these people started their business only from
home business. However, it is fairly to say that at present
time, there will be only a little chance for the home business
to become success without having huge amount of money.
Therefore, many of graduates who finish from good fashion school
and they also paid the expensive tuition fee may not want to go
back to start his/her own home business for just to get a little
of money.

Even though the key of success seem to be the money that
designer have to invest on the business, but in fact, the most
important thing that is really keys of the success is the idea
of the design. No matter the size of the business that you have
just started, it is very important for you that you have to find
the chance to get your design out to the public and if your
design are acceptable by the market, then you will have more
work as well as possibility to expand your business.

There are so many for example of the people who just started
from very small home business but finally gain reputation from
their design and it means that you can gain reputation by doing
in the same way too!. The most effective way to present your
design items to the word it the internet. If we were in ten
years back from now, I would say that there is very least chance
for small business to compete with giant companies because there
are very limited channel for small business to present products
to public.

But now we are in internet age, where everything is possible
and the competitive advantage is no longer limited by the size
of the business at all. There are places on the internet to
present your work and also not just to present and you can sell
them on line as well. There are also many of online auction site
that you can capture the market and sell your products. It is
the place where any one who wants to sell not only fashion item
goes and present the design to people all over the world. Now it
is you decision if you are one of the people who want to start
up your fashion design career and want to gain competitive
advantage of your design.

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Fashion Forward 2008 - The Top Hot Fashion Trends
By Ti Megan Hazel

You probably can't recall who said it, but whoever first
uttered that fashion comes full circle every 30 years or so was
not too far off. This season on the runway is reminiscent of the
flowing 70s in both fabric and style. We are seeing much more of
the long skirt and much less of the micro mini. Materials like
silk and chiffon, which tend to flow and gather, are much more
popular for Spring 2008 than fabrics like cotton or denim which
tend to hold shape and stay stiffer in appearance. The word for
the season is feminine, feminine, feminine! The exception to
this seems to be in outerwear, where rubber is oddly back in
style. Indoors, though, thin little belts, hats, and scarves are
also popular and a throwback to the 70s as well as being
womanly. Don't despair, though - some things from last season
are still popular and can be recycled for this season.
Accessories like metallic bags and clutches, as well as sequins
and some of the longer pencil skirts can still be worn with
confidence. Dresses with color blocks are still around as well,
left over from last season and still cute. Headbands are still a
popular accessory as well.

Sheers are in this year as a fabric style, which works well
with the flow-y nature of the season. Pairing a sheer shirt over
a camisole with denim jeans is a great casual look. In fact, a
sheer scarf works with almost anything this season. Especially
cute is the above-mentioned shirt and jeans with a little scarf
and dressy sneakers. "Dressy sneakers" are another big hit this
year, which will keep your feet happy as you get to be
comfortable and stylish at the same time. Low-lying, patterned
variety sneakers with ties that sport the best of brand names
are the most popular for the young trendsetter.

Speaking of patterns, big bold prints such as tropical themes
and jungle prints are back. For whatever reason, and it seems to
happen every several years, tribal and jungle themes like
leopard prints and zebra stripes make their way back to the
runway. This year is no exception. Color is back, and black is
out, at least for now. Last year, brown was the new black, and
this year it is muted silver and grey that's all the rage when
you want to opt for a non-color.

What about shoes, you ask? Pointy-toe pumps are back! Not that
they ever really went out of style, but they certainly came
second to the flip flop, the ballet slipper, and other such
cutesy flat footwear, along with the rounded toe pump. Also
noteworthy is what's in store for later on in the season. Fall
2008 promises to be chock full of the "bigger is better" theory.
Bigger, chunkier heels, bigger, longer boots, and bigger and
heavier accessories on the shoes themselves such as thick
buckles and chains should be on your radar for footwear.

Of course, if we are going to talk shoes we must talk shades.
Still popular, especially with the Divas, are the ever-present
round and dark sunglasses that cover most of your face. The
celebrities, of course, brought this trend to the forefront of
fashion and it doesn't look like it's going anywhere anytime
soon. Also popular though, is the blue lens which seemed to
disappear for a while. This lens is more appropriate with a
smaller frame than with the oversized shades discussed. The
RayBan Wayfarers, so popular in the 80s, also seem to be making
a comeback this year.

Last but by no means least, there could not be a fashion
article written about what's hot for 2008 without mentioning
jeans. Designer denim continues to be the hottest thing around.
We all know that True Religion, Citizens of Humanity, Buffalo,
Seven for all Mankind and Lucky have become standard, almost
run-of-the mill designer jeans. Even though they cost upward of
$200.00, they are still the 'norm'. Slightly more pricey is
Diesel, and this brand continues to be popular as well. Relative
newcomers, though, are some of the names that were actually
around long before these newbies even existed. Yves St. Laurent,
Donna Karan, and some of the more elite designer's names are
being plastered on the derrieres of the most discriminating
fashionistas this season. As for jean style and cut, the
zipper-ankle and straight-leg varieties that were popular in the
80s are making a comeback. Expect to see them on the legs of the
trendsetters this fall.

This season proves to be an interesting and eclectic mix of 70s
and 80s styles. This may seem contradictory, but the feminine
nature of the season's styles pulls from flowing 70s fabrics and
cuts and seems to just use a hint of 80s metal and accessory -
and it's a hit.

About the Author: Megan Hazel is a freelance writer who writes
about trends and fashion topics, similar to what consumers read
in Lucky Magazine


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Fashion - Today`s Colour In Fashion Will It Suit Your Complexion
By Kacy Carr

Fashion - Why do women and beauty products work well together,
the answer to that is quite simple, cosmetics make you look
beautiful and women want to be beautiful so there you have it -
a match made in heaven - the perfect duo. Today`s fashion and
latest shades in lipstick is no guarantee to looking beautiful
if you are not feeling good about yourself.

It`s a funny old world - the fashion world. Take those glamour
models that grace the catwalk with the latest in fashion design
- only to go and mess the entire look of the whole outfit with
an expression of depression along with a ridiculous unbalanced
walk like that of a woman who has just downed 10 pints of lager
- now where is the beauty in that I ask you.

Remember never to imitate the pose of a model on a night out
with friends because that friendship may just cease and heaven
forbid if you are looking for a date with the opposite sex -
then the chances of that happening are zilch. If you want to
impress then it is all down to how you dress. You will always be
at your best if you feel good. A smile radiates beauty so
regardless of what the fashion it is you adorn - be sure to
smile and that is half of the battle won in feeling good and
looking beautiful

Why is it you wear the same colours when you go out? Why is it
you feel that a certain colour is not ideally suited to your
complexion even though it is in fashion? Well now is the time to
change all that. Todays fashionable colours are just oozing to
expel your beauty within. Positive results are guaranteed after
you have boosted your confidence into looking beautiful with the
latest in fashion styles and colours.

For example if you are not partial to the colour green or
orange up next to the skin, well that is fine, but, at the time
you decided this colour was not for you, did you ever give it a
minutes thought that it was just that particular shade of green
that you were not comfortable with. Remember there are 40 shades
of green, now do you get my drift. Now as for orange - a colour
that does need to be given much thought behind for a person`s
skin tone - but if you like orange then dress it up with
accessories to compliment the shade itself - this will work

Just by changing the shade of one particular colour and style
of dress can be the start of finding the real beauty within.
Your inner beauty may have lain static for far to long all
because you took for granted that the first bright lime green
luminous blouse you ever tried on was not for you, therefore
leaving you resisting future fashion garments in green, But did
you ever consider replacing that lime green blouse for pretty
cowl neck musky jade shade.. Also a change of hairstyle can
alter your whole image along with the colour that you banished
from the wardrobe.

It is sad - but there are many women who are confused and
believe that a certain colour does them no justice - when at the
end of the day it may have been their choice in the shade.

About the Author: Essential beauty advice at Women`s health and cosmetic


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